November 28, 2020

The Wintry Day Descending to its Close

Several months ago, I had the music and text to "The Wintry Day, Descending to Its Close" going through my mind, and deep in my heart day after day. So, I pulled out my beloved old hymnbook and spent a bit of time with this wonderful hymn. It was as if I were immersed in the scriptures in my quiet sanctuary, listening to pure testimony. I love all the verses, but verse two is especially touching right now. I also love verse four. This hymn is one of the great a cappella hymns, but even without a choir, I did find great joy in playing the simple piano version.

Verse 2: I cannot go to rest, but linger still
In meditation at my windowsill,
While, like the twinkling stars in heaven’s dome, Come one by one sweet memories of home. And wouldst thou ask me where my fancy roves To reproduce the happy scenes it loves, Where hope and memory together dwell And paint the pictured beauties that I tell?

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